Ontario Express Entry: Skilled Trades Stream

The Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream targets skilled trades workers in the construction and agricultural sectors but could be expanded in the future.

To qualify applicants must have:

  • Active profile under the Federal Express Entry system.
  • At least 12 months, cumulative or continuous, of full-time paid work experience in Ontario, within the last two years prior to the Notification of Interest, in NOC major groups 72 (excluding occupations under transportation officers), 73, 82, 83, 93 (excluding aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors) or minor group 6320 (excluding cooks).
  • Proof of Ontario license or certification if an occupational requirement.
  • A valid work permit and residing in Ontario at the time of application.
  • Minimum language CLB/NCLC level 5 or above in English or in French.
  • Proof of required settlement funds.

Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream Eligibility Requirements

To qualify under this stream, applicants must have:

  • A permanent and full-time job offer under NOC TEER category 1, 2 or 3 that meets the median wage levels for Ontario, and in a position that is necessary to the business;
    • For those already working in the position, the proposed wage must be equal or greater than the current wage being paid
  • Two cumulative years of relevant work experience in the previous five years before the date of application;
  • Relevant mandatory licensing in Ontario, if the position so requires;
  • Live abroad, or be working, studying or visiting Canada on a valid permit;
  • Intention to settle in Ontario.